Why subscribe?

Subscribers get the newsletter sent directly to their inbox every Tuesday. Never miss an update.

Who is Katie?

Katie Eu is a 22 year old senior in college who is passionate about mental health and personal wellbeing. As someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for over a decade, she has a plethora of experience and knowledge to draw from. Now on her personal wellness journey, she strives to be the person she needed when she was younger.

Find her elsewhere: Instagram | Solidarity on the Bench (podcast)

Why 1-1-1?

The format of this newsletter is inspired by James Clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter. In each edition, Katie shares:

  • 1 quote,

  • 1 journal prompt, and

  • 1 piece of advice

to help you live the life of your dreams. Some weeks will have a more niche topic (dissociation, content creation, college advice, etc), and some weeks will be more general.

What doesn’t change is the quality of content you’ll get in each newsletter.

Subscribe to the 1-1-1 newsletter

a weekly newsletter with 1 quote, 1 journal prompt, and 1 piece of advice every tuesday. created by @katie.eu.


22 year old who is passionate about mental health and personal wellness. so glad you're here! let's grow together <3